100 days of Code Challenge Day 12

Finding out that updating my log.md on the forked repo doesn’t count towards contributions.

A gif of Wednesday Addams

So Annoyed

I added a project I worked on this fall to a repo and added bootstrap. With the absolute positioning, things didn’t go like I’d liked. I removed it and put the css and JavaScript in their own files.

Too late to write more, but here’s to a great day of coding tomorrow.

100 days of Code Challenge Day 8


Free Code Camp was all I could do. I did, however, finish the HTML5 & CSS section and remembered some nuances that didn’t seem obvious until putting them into practice. For example, all check boxes and radio buttons must have the same name attribute. I actually know WHY now, thanks to my tip calc app that I put on hold.

Now that I’m off vacation, I’m finding it hard to find 1 straight hour. Breaking it up into 30 minute sections is what has gotten me thought the day. Thanks to this challenge, I may actually LEARN & retain what I’ve learned.

Lastly, there is someone I follow on Twitter, @xopixell who also has a YouTube Channel that has great HTML & CSS tutorials. I started watching one and starting changing the header and NAV on my tip calc. She is very easy to follow, so be sure to check her out and subscribe.
Oh, Saturday is my birthday and I doubt very much if there will be a post or any coding then.
