100 Days of Code Challenge Day 16

I spent today reading up on Java and creating a few applications from the Java 8 in 21 days book. Once was on converting Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa. The other was investments losses and gains. That was the end of chapter challenge and I have to figure that one out on my own. After reviewing the solution, it just proved there are many ways to solve a problem programmatically.

In the text, today was an overview of operators, precedence, primitive types, comparison operators and variables. Most was very similar to JavaScript, but there was a section on number literals and I’d never seen a letter appended to the end of a number before. This was done to specify a literal of float. You had to add the letter F to it.

Image of Java Code

Mistakes, obviously, show us what needs improving. Without mistakes, how would we know what we had to work on? – Peter McWilliams

I’m still working on making sense of classes and objects. I think, with practice and a lot more mistakes, it will start to come together. I’m very hopeful.